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Showing posts from December, 2018

New Year Resolutions

Goals 101 : Regret less Less Netflix, more chill Write more Think less Be spontaneous Be happy Not greedy Laugh more Experiment more Love more Don't be jealous Comfortable in my own skin Live more Stalk people less Stop reminiscencing Develop new hobbies Explore new skills Stop procrastinating Stop planning and controlling future Accept the present and reality Learn to let go of people and things you can't Not minding lot over anything Stop caring what people think Respectable to everyone Love and respect myself Live in the present Stop being a control freak Stop being judgemental Taking full care of myself Smile more Travel more Embrace solitude Read more Work harder to compete your wishes Be stronger and more confident Be thankful to everyone even for the little smile they bring on your face

Selfish Survival.

It's very very hard not to feel anything. It's very very hard to not get attached to anything. But you mustn't put anything or anyone before yourself. The only strength you can use and trust should only be yours. Be the warrior of your life and not the victim. Because even the dearest one and toughest one will go one day and the only person at that time living life and facing everything will be you. It's a small life and you cannot live miserable ever. It's not why you meant to be here. You are meant to do other things which you are not doing because of the temptations of the temporary things holds you back and you are losing both the thing and the time. So come on, get up on your feet and do things which you are meant to do. Be stronger for yourself. Fight for yourself. Live for yourself.

The art of letting go.

To all millennials who are suffering from life , I am not a monk (yet ;) ) but I am waking up with lots of learning , realizations and inspirations on frequent basis so even inspite of being extremely repetitive and having abundant of free time, I feel like sharing some things so what the hell, bear with me. Lessons 101 - Don't believe in all the perfect teaching you have grown up hearing. It's not anymore applicable now. Take care of yourself, as soon as you wake up, say to your yourself that you can do anything and you are going to be happy. Amidst all the insecurities and a dark deep  void of loss and failures,  don't let it come  to your face or attitude, or atleast be good at pretending. Don't share anything even if the person is closest to you because it will make you super vulnerable. Resist the temptations to excessive future planning, live the most in the moment, whatever you feel like doing or going or having or eating or saying or wearing, just trust yo...