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The art of letting go.

To all millennials who are suffering from life , I am not a monk (yet ;) ) but I am waking up with lots of learning , realizations and inspirations on frequent basis so even inspite of being extremely repetitive and having abundant of free time, I feel like sharing some things so what the hell, bear with me.

Lessons 101 -

Don't believe in all the perfect teaching you have grown up hearing. It's not anymore applicable now.

Take care of yourself, as soon as you wake up, say to your yourself that you can do anything and you are going to be happy.

Amidst all the insecurities and a dark deep  void of loss and failures,  don't let it come  to your face or attitude, or atleast be good at pretending.

Don't share anything even if the person is closest to you because it will make you super vulnerable.

Resist the temptations to excessive future planning, live the most in the moment, whatever you feel like doing or going or having or eating or saying or wearing, just trust your guts and do it today. 

Don't analysis or assume or judge anyone, it's hard times, there is high chance that people who do things must be doing out of some fear or obligations.

Learn to not get attached to people things, learn to let them go because as a matter of fact, they will go and you can do nothing about it, the least you can do right now is to make most of today.

Remember you can only truly love yourself so the only person you can trust or expect completely right now , its only you and you only.

It's okay to love someone with the fear of losing them or even if you have hard time trusting them or even if you know this is going to hurt you bad, or you can do nothing about it right now. But the important part is you to acknowledge this fact and be prepared. You can not stop anyone to do anything, there should be no promises, if they wanna go, they should go, if you wanna go, you should go, it doesnt mean you have to despise them or love them less, it's just the situation that you can not control. Don't get yourself trap in the possibility of future or a reel of promises. Just be okay and open with all the possibilities for now. Sometimes it's okay to love something or someone for your own piece of mind. It's selfish but it's self love.

Take more risk and don't expect anything big in return, just do it for the piece of mind.

Put all your energy to build yourself , travel more, learn more, remember the fact that there will be more loss and failure in life than success so you have to make yourself to be okayish with this fact.

Don't compare yourself with anyone else; some people are more hard working and luckier than us.

Things you can not control and you can not let go, stick to it, it's okay to be selfish, let the time decides what it have for you. But you have to be ready

You can not control the situations or people and you have to understand this too.

Explore your hobbies, they are the best healers than anything else.

Don't put yourself in a frame of 'the right thing to do', don't play by rules, it's okay to make change and be the change as long as it's not hurting you.

Openly talk about the things you wanna do or want or feel, you don't know what's going to happen in the same next moment and the untold stories are the worst deal breakers.

Accept the fact there are billions of people with billions of views, you don't have to agree or criticize everything you come across, either learn or just take it lightly and let go.

Make more mistakes and own it. Just don't live below your own expectations.

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