It's very very hard not to feel anything. It's very very hard to not get attached to anything. But you mustn't put anything or anyone before yourself. The only strength you can use and trust should only be yours. Be the warrior of your life and not the victim. Because even the dearest one and toughest one will go one day and the only person at that time living life and facing everything will be you. It's a small life and you cannot live miserable ever. It's not why you meant to be here. You are meant to do other things which you are not doing because of the temptations of the temporary things holds you back and you are losing both the thing and the time. So come on, get up on your feet and do things which you are meant to do. Be stronger for yourself. Fight for yourself. Live for yourself.
Something in life is worth letting go of but you will only know that after you had experienced it before and we can predict the possible outcomes. Like - Arguing with parents or anyone on anything. Or arguments in general. You can't change anyone's opinion in one argument. FOMO. Trying to connect with the ‘friends’ who haven’t been there for you and you lost touch. Sad about getting a dream job but honestly not working for it. Prioritizing your career over EVERYTHING. Go to family functions because you mostly never have that option. Take up a job which you are not passionate about but good money. Seeing other people doing what you wanted to do but couldn’t. Expecting something from anyone just because you think you are closer to them. Something which is happening and we don’t have any power to change like aging, politics, natural calamities, etc. Other people’s opinions on you. It anyways shouldn’t affect you at any point in time. You are not supposed to compete with anyone for...