It's very important that you appreciate things, apprecuate people in your life and most importantly appreciate yourselves for being you.
This kind gesture shouldn't be taken lightly or on your ego. Some of the appreciations we have started taking lightly. Apart from mother, father, family, cousins, friends, partner there are still some people who needs your appreciation.
A person who cleans your house, appreciate them to help you.
A person working under you , appreciate them for their small achievement.
A person who takes time to talk to you or hear you, appreciate them for being there.
A person who brings food package or any delivery for you especially in this pandemic, appreciate their efforts and tell them how grateful you are.
A person in office with whom you can share and learn, who is having your back in the hardest time, appreciate them for being so kind.
A person who used to know are doing something different in their life or fulfilling their dreams and you get to know about that, appreciate them for being so determined and hard working.
There are so many people who are struggling right now with money, with family issues , with jobs and especially emotionally.
You can never know how a big hug, a thankyou note or even telling them how amazing they are in what they are doing can make a big impact in their life.
Imagine you are having a bad day and someone you know tells you that what a great dress you are wearing or how amazing you have been in your work lately or how much you inspire them. I don't know about anyone but I would definitely like that.
I believe irrespective of anyone's opinion , the one who doesn't know how to appreciate people or small things in their life has never experienced true happiness and is filled with attitude and ego which may give them satisfaction and confidence right now but in long term they will definitely feel lonely and sad. Especially when there will be noone around them to appreciate them for what they have done.
Also what actually really costs you to say something really good things to someone and be extra nice.
Now go and tell someone right now how grateful you are that they exist !
I am thankful for every single one who are or were part of my journey.
Even if you are reading this ,I am grateful for you.
I am choosing harmony over arrogance.
I think you should too.