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If you are panicking....for what happened in the past

It is okay . Breathe. Calm down. Drink a glass of water.
You have to move on from your past things. You did things and things have happened to you. It doesn't mean that you have mood swings all the time. Dont feel that you are less worthy of anything. You are not. You are amazing. You are your dad's fav kid, you are fun person to hangout with and you are going to be happy and fun all the time. 
You have to heal. Heal for the world. Heal for yourself. Heal for the people who love you. 
You are never victim , you are survivor.
Be a better version of yourself every day.
Be more happier than last day.
Be more compassionate to yourself.
You are going to have great life.
Just because something happened to you doesn't make you any less or you have to change yourself to someone even you cannot recognize.
Accidents happen and people move on. That's how you have to move on. Just be yourself but better version and with better sensibility.
Have that kind of confidence where nothing can shake you. Not even a big mountain or big hurdles. Don't run away from the emotions.
You can also take another approach where you can think that this has happened to you because you can learn better and make wiser decisions. It should be a learning exp for you. And you are in a way lucky that now you can know what to do in the same situations.

To summarize this, No one is perfect including you so you have to forgive yourself and everyone. You have to have compassion and forgiveness to live in present. Self forgiveness increases genoristy towards yourself. To heal yourself you have to forgive everyone and set yourself free. Let go of heavy burden of resentment. Allow yourself to continue to forgive , it will unlock something in you which others in future will look upto. Forgiveness is the attribute to the strong. Once you forgive others you will forgive yourself and it will start the process of your healing.

Do whatever makes you happy.

"You are stronger than you think"

"Give yourself time. Once you overcome this, you will overcome everything. "

"Allow yourself to grieve and heal"

"Time heals all wounds"

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