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Who am I ? I am a Champion

Disclaimer- This is not written by me but this is my go-to motivational video so I thought of sharing the written version of this. 

P.S Link of the youtube video is also there.

I will conquer what has never been conquered,
Defeat will not be in my creed.
I will believe where all those before me have doubted.
I will always endeavor to uphold the prestige, honor and respect of my team.
I have trained my mind and now my body will follow.
Who am I? I am a champion!
I will acknowledge the fact that I am an elite warrior,
Who arrived at the cutting edge of battle by any means necessary.
I accept the fact that my team expects me to move further, faster and fight harder than our opponents,
Never shall I fail my brothers.
I will always keep myself mentally alert, physically strong and morally straight.
I will shoulder more than my share of the task, whatever it may be,
One hundred percent and more because I have surrendered me for we.
Who am I? I am a champion!
Gallantly will I show that I am a specially selected and well trained warrior.
My heart and my soul will be the fuel to carry my body when my limbs are too weary.
Although I may falter, I will never lose focus as long as there is hope in my mind and my heart is still beating.
I will never give in to the evil that is weakness and I will fight that evil with my dying breath.
Who am I? I am a champion!
Energetically will I meet my enemies, many will challenge me, but none will stop me from my goal.
I am not the strongest, I am not the fastest,
I am good because I have found something worth fighting for, and I will fight with all my might.
Surrender is not a champions word.
I will never leave a brother to fall at the hands of an enemy,
And under no circumstances will I surrender, for my ears are deaf to the word cant.
Who am I? I am a champion!
Readily will I display the discipline and strength required to fight on to my objective,
And I will complete my mission.
I will rise when I have fallen to rip the heart from my enemy and leave it beating on the ground.
My enemy will both fear and respect me.
If he does not, I will make him respect me with all that I have to give.
Who am I? I am a champion!

History will remember my name but he does not have to be kind,
For I have denied his criticisms and put in my own praise.
Nobody will define me, and nobody will tell me what I cant achieve.
None will say that I havent given all that I have to give and none will take my glory.
For those who have stood by me I will fight for, and for those who have deserted me I will crush.
Who am I? I am a champion!

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