Being born and brought up in my hometown till the end of my college, all I ever wanted to come out of my shell and explore the world out. I was desperate to move on from my already established happy world.
I wanted to try all new opportunities, try out living alone, making decisions all by myself, meeting people and basically all grown up stuff.
I am not complaining right now but I just realised that while doing and wanting all grown up stuff, living out is very confusing. There are times when I feel lonely where I just want coffee with my old friends, times where I am sick and want my mom's hand on my forehead, times I miss singing along with my dad, times when I miss gossiping with my grandparents about the world and people, times where I was playing games with my little cousins who btw all grown up now too, times where letting parents make all the decisions like what to eat, where to go, what to do and etc. so basically miss having simpler times. Oh how much I want this!
I know everyone have to eventually grow up and *insert grown up stuff* and move on but if I could just stay there a little longer than I did !
Moral of the story- Enjoy while it lasts so that you have lots of memories and also some regrets ;)
Something in life is worth letting go of but you will only know that after you had experienced it before and we can predict the possible outcomes. Like - Arguing with parents or anyone on anything. Or arguments in general. You can't change anyone's opinion in one argument. FOMO. Trying to connect with the ‘friends’ who haven’t been there for you and you lost touch. Sad about getting a dream job but honestly not working for it. Prioritizing your career over EVERYTHING. Go to family functions because you mostly never have that option. Take up a job which you are not passionate about but good money. Seeing other people doing what you wanted to do but couldn’t. Expecting something from anyone just because you think you are closer to them. Something which is happening and we don’t have any power to change like aging, politics, natural calamities, etc. Other people’s opinions on you. It anyways shouldn’t affect you at any point in time. You are not supposed to compete with anyone for...