Damn you heart, you fall again. It's like what 10 times already? How easy it is for you to feel again for someone and so hard to move on. Such a strange body part you are. It's more like you are in control of the me and not the other way around. Pity mind has been telling you to stay away and still you managed to juggle your way isn't it? I am already sensing danger now.
Stop Stop Stop !
But I know you will not. You will fall more hard. That's how you are. You know there is higher probability of getting hurt again but you being a naive kid will not stop, will you.
I guess what more I can do. I am trying to control everything around me but I can't control you anymore. You wander more than anyone or anything I have ever seen. Are you like this with everyone? I wonder.
Atleast you are being happy again, it's all okay then. Just please start learning from the mistakes you did so that you become more wise, pretty please ? K, thanks bye!
Something in life is worth letting go of but you will only know that after you had experienced it before and we can predict the possible outcomes. Like - Arguing with parents or anyone on anything. Or arguments in general. You can't change anyone's opinion in one argument. FOMO. Trying to connect with the ‘friends’ who haven’t been there for you and you lost touch. Sad about getting a dream job but honestly not working for it. Prioritizing your career over EVERYTHING. Go to family functions because you mostly never have that option. Take up a job which you are not passionate about but good money. Seeing other people doing what you wanted to do but couldn’t. Expecting something from anyone just because you think you are closer to them. Something which is happening and we don’t have any power to change like aging, politics, natural calamities, etc. Other people’s opinions on you. It anyways shouldn’t affect you at any point in time. You are not supposed to compete with anyone for...