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Mom and her friends.

We tend to forget how much our mom sacrificed to be someone like what she is today. As I am spending lot of time lately with her, she always talks about her old friends, how much fun she had, how much she misses them and what all she did etc. But as everyone got busy with their life, they were not in touch apparently. So I made my mom found them on Facebook some months ago and some of them are actively available there. She was little hesitant because she had not been with them for like 25 years ago and more and so much had changed. But she was so delighted to connect with them. Facebook talks turned into WhatsApp chats turned into calls and today finally they met. Some on them came from different cities for this reunion and I was thrilled to be part of it. My mom was so excited from the morning about it and they chose to do things which they used to do in their old days. Strolling through local markets , eating local food, buying local items, what a delight it was. They even bought the same things as souvenir. I took so many pictures and they told me so many stories. Seeing my mom getting so happily emotional and childlike made me so happy that atleast she got a chance to reminiscence happy memories which she gradually had forgotten while being a good mom, good wife and a great daughter in law. Kudos to her. ❣️

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