Some basic things which we know already but still to be told by someone else to live peacefully and happily.
1. Use your time to the fullest. Explore what you always want to do or love to do. Never waste your time overthinking or delaying.
2. Love yourself- Love yourself unconditionally. Never judge yourself. You are the source of happiness and you deserve to be happy.
3. Don't get stuck in your negative thoughts. It's very dangerous and it's very easy.
4. Be grateful to everything you have or achieve. Every happiness you got is worth remembering.
5. Focus on your dreams and go to any extent to achieve it.
6. Let go of your fear. Mostly the reasons which are there which makes us fear are invalid or inconclusive.
7. Live in the present. Don't think what you had done in past or what is going to happen in future.
8. Learn from your mistake. Don't overanalyze, don't overthink just know the cause of its happening and try not to repeat it again.
9. Explore your hobbies. There has to be lot of things which you wanna do, go do it right now.
10. Everything in life happens for a reason , value it. Even if it's bad or good, it's gonna have good effect on your future, that is certain.
11. It's okay to be selfish sometime. If you think that it's giving you emotional stress, it's okay if you get out of the situation for your own interest. Self worth is important.
12. There are situations we are in or we were in that we cannot change. So don't try hard on yourself and on that. If it cannot be changed it might happen for something better. You always deserve better.
13. Let go of your negativity and negative attitude towards everything. Just think positively about everything in your life.
There is always happily ever after for everyone.