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Showing posts from June, 2022

Clarity and hustle..

One of the biggest things we are dealing with in this ever-changing world is clarity. Clarity on what we want, what we wish, what we desire, and what we should fight for.  Why we are not clear on things? Do you think this is maybe because of the abundance of options? but is that really the reason why we are not clear? Or is it because there is one more option which is quitting.  My parents constantly tell me that in their whole life journey, they never had this option. They never had the luxury to give up on things. Because they always have to fight for even the smallest things. and us, the new generation 'think' we have time, we have resources and we have options.  This 'Always hustle' or 'Never settle' culture is going to bring doom to us very soon. We are never going to be happy or satisfied with where we are. And this is not about only when we are young but this attitude change is going to affect us, even more, when we get older and we have lesser options.  ...